Chemical Shift Analysis

NMRFx Analyst can use chemical shift to provide an analysis of the molecule. The Sequence Display tool (available from the Molecule menu can display polymer (protein and RNA) sequences and plot information derived from the chemical shifts.

Sequence Display


The Sequence Display tool can render the residue sequence of protein and RNA polymers. The Annotations section, and controls at the bottom of the window, control some basic rendering parameters.

Residue Orient
Changes the orientation (horizontal or vertical) of the residue numbers.
Font Scale
Change the font size of residue numbers
Residue Char
Turn off to hide single letter residue characters
Turn on to display dot-bracket (vienna) notation of RNA secondary structures
This slider (at bottom of window) controls the number of residues per row
Font Size
This slider (at bottom of window) controls the font size of residue characters, and thereby the size of the whole displayed chart


Atom Shifts

Chemical shifts are dependent on the residues secondary structure and visualizing the shifts relative to a reference value is useful for seeing patterns in the structure. This section allows you turn on the display of plots of these delta (shift-refshift) values. There are several modes for calculating the reference shifts that are used. Use the Reference menu in the atom table.

Turn this on to add a plot with relative chemical shifts
Protein Atoms
Use this menu to select atoms that are present in amino-acids. You can select one or more choices.
RNA Atoms
Use this menu to select atoms that are present in RNA. You can select one or more choices.
If off, the chemical shift differences will be displayed as a bar chart. If on display as a dot plot
Combine multiple atoms on a single row. Useful for RNA.
Group By
Combine multiple atoms on a single row by grouping by these atom types.
Divide the delta shift by this amount to scale the size of the pars (or dot positions). Smaller values yield taller bars.
The relative height of the whole chart taken up by this (Atom Shift) section

Atom Shifts

Residue Order Value

This plot displays a calculated Z-score for each residue (with chemical shifts). This is measure of order and is calculated as described in Nielsen & Mulder, 2016. Note the code to do the calculation is independently written, and it is not guaranteed to exactly reproduce the values in the reference. To use this plot you should calculate reference shifts with the Peptide Random mode (Reference menu of the Atom Table)

Turn this on to add a plot with residue order values
Select a dot plot or bar plot
The relative height of the whole chart taken up by this (Residue Order Value) section
Fill 2nd Str
Fill the bars (if in bar plot mode) with colors based on the secondary structure calculation (see below)

Residue Order Value

Secondary Structure Prediction

NMRFx has a deep learning model trained to do secondary structure prediction. The model predicts the probability of each of four possible secondary structure states which are based on DSSP terminology. Helix (combines H,G and I states), Turn (T), Coil (S and C states) and Extended (E and B states)

Turn this on to calculate and display the secondary structure. There will be a pause when you turn it on as the model data is loaded.
The relative height of the whole chart taken up by this (Secondary Structure) section

Secondary Structure Prediction