Processing Operations
The actual processing is done by a sequence of operations. Each operation gets one or more vectors (for example, the ZF command operates on one vector at a time, but the TDCOMB command might get 2 vectors that need to be co-added). Not explicitly specified, but implicitly included in each script is the fact that the beginning of the sequence is initialized by reading a group of vectors from a file, and ended by writing the processed vectors out to the dataset.
Add value to the vector at all points between first and last, where value can either be an integer (real) or a complex number written as (1.0 + 3j).
- value
The value to add to each data point.
- first
The first point of the vector to add to.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size - 1
- optional True
- last
The last point of the vector to add to.
- default -1
- min -1
- max size - 1
- optional True
Auto Phase shift.
- firstOrder
Do first order phase correction.
- default False
- optional True
- maxMode
Autophase by maximizing positive signal.
- default False
- optional True
- winSize
Size of each half of window used in doing CWTD. Full window is 2 x this value.
- default 2
- min 1
- max 32
- optional True
- ratio
Ratio relative to noise used in determining if region is signal or baseline.
- default 25.0
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- mode
Name of algorithm to use.
- default flat
- optional True
- ph1Limit
Limit ph1 value so its absolute value is less than this range.
- default 45.0
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- negativePenalty
How much to weight to use in penalizing negative values in entropy mode (actual value is multiplied by 1.0e-5).
- default 1.0
- min 0.1
- max 100.0
- optional True
Baseline correction using a polynomial fit.
- mode
Specify the mode for auto identifying baseline regions.
- default sdev
- optional True
- winSize
Size of window used in searching for baseline regions;
- default 16
- min 4
- max 256
- optional True
- minBase
Baseline regions must be at least this big;
- default 12
- min 4
- max 256
- optional True
- ratio
Ratio relative to noise used in determining if region is signal or baseline, or percent baseline in cwtdf mode.
- default 10.0
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
Correct the baseline of the vector using the median method.
- frac
window size is set by multiplying frac times the number of extrema in the vector
- default 0.1
- min 0.001
- max 0.50
- optional True
- wrap
Wrap baseline fit around edge of spectrum.
- default False
- optional True
Baseline correction using a polynomial fit.
- order
Order of the polynomial used in fit;
- default 2
- min 1
- max 8
- optional True
- winSize
Size of window used in searching for baseline regions;
- default 16
- min 4
- max 256
- optional True
Baseline correction using a sine curve.
- order
Order of the polynomial used in fit;
- default 1
- min 1
- max 8
- optional True
- winSize
Size of window used in searching for baseline regions;
- default 16
- min 4
- max 256
- optional True
Baseline correction using a smoother.
- lamb
Parameter controlling how close the fit to the baseline should be
- default 5000
- min 1000.0
- max 20000.0
- optional True
- order
Order of the polynomial used in fit;
- default 1
- min 1
- max 2
- optional True
- baseline
If true, return the calculated baseline, rather than the corrected vector
- default False
- optional True
Blackman Apodization
- offset
Offset of Blackman window.
- default 0.5
- min 0.0
- max 0.5
- optional True
- end
End value of Blackman window argument.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- c
First point multiplier.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- apodSize
Size of apodization window. Default 0f 0 uses entire FID.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size
- optional True
- dim
Dataset dimension to apodize. Only applicable for matrix operations.
The vector is bucketed by adding adjacent data points. The vector size after this operation will be equal to the specified number of buckets. The original vector size must be a multiple of the number of buckets. Each resulting data point will represent the sum of winSize data points where winSize is equal to size/nBuckets
- buckets
Number of buckets to place data points into. Vector size must be a multiple of this number.
- default 256
- min 0
- max size
- optional True
Zero Bruker DSP baseline and associated algorithms: sim, ph, dspph, chop.
- alg
Algorithm to correct Bruker DSP artifact.
- phase
Phase adjust (sim, ph only).
- default 0.0
- min -180
- max 180
- optional True
- scale
Scale factor (sim only).
- default 1.0
- min -1
- max 3
- optional True
Coaddition of a set of vectors to yield one result vector.
- coef
List of coefficients to scale each vector by.
- default None
- optional True
combine inVec and outVec with a list of coefficients
- coef
How to combine data rows with different phases.
- default None
- optional True
Circular shift of the data points in the vector by the specified amount.
- shift
Amount to shift the vector by. If float or int use points. If string, convert units
- default 0
- min -128
- max 128
- optional True
- adjref
If true, adjust the referencing of the vector based on shift
- default False
- optional True
Continuous Wavelet Transform Derivative.
- winSize
Size of the window.
- default 32
- min 1
- max 1024
- optional True
Shifts the spectrum so edges are centered. DC Offset.
- fraction
The fraction of points from the beginning and end of a spectrum that will be used to create the offset.
- default 0.05
- min 0
- max .33
- optional True
Correct DC offset of FID real and imaginary channels
- fraction
Fraction of end of FID to average to calculate offset
- default 0.06
- min 0.01
- max 0.25
- optional True
Experimental GRINS.
Auto Phase shift.
- dim
Dataset dimension to phase. (0 does all dimensions)
- firstOrder
Do first order phase correction.
- default False
- optional True
- winSize
Size of each half of window used in doing CWTD. Full window is 2 x this value.
- default 2
- min 1
- max 32
- optional True
- ratio
Ratio relative to noise used in determining if region is signal or baseline.
- default 25.0
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- ph1Limit
Limit ph1 value so its absolute value is less than this range.
- default 45.0
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
Numerical Derivative.
Do echo-anti echo combination
Envelope smoothing.
- winSize
Size of the window
- default 256
- optional True
- lambd
Parameter controlling how close the fit to the baseline should be
- default 5000
- min 1000.0
- max 50000.0
- optional True
- order
Parameter controlling the order of the baseline fit
- default 2
- min 1
- max 2
- optional True
- baseline
If true, return the calculated baseline, rather than the corrected vector
- default False
- optional True
Exponential Calculation of a Vector. Each point is updated with the exponential value of the point .
Exponential Decay Apodization.
- lb
Line broadening factor.
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- fPoint
First point multiplication.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
Extract a specified range of points.
- start
Start point of region to extract
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- end
End point of region to extract
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- mode
Extract a named region (left,right,all,middle) instead of using start and end points
- default left
- optional True
Extract a specified range of points.
- fstart
Start point of region to extract
- default 0.0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- fend
End point of region to extract
- default 0.0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
Frequency Domain Solvent Suppression.
- center
Position of frequency to suppress. Default is in fractional units with zero at center..
- default 0.0f
- min -0.5
- max 0.5
- optional True
- start
The beginning of the peak.
- default 0.005f
- min 0.00
- max 0.010
- optional True
- end
The end of the peak.
- default 0.015f
- min 0.00
- max 0.02
- optional True
- autoCenter
Find the largest peak in spectrum and center on that.
- default False
- optional True
Generic filter, type is notch or lowpass.
- type
Filter type.
- default notch
- optional True
- offset
Frequency offset in fraction of sw.
- default 0
- min -0.5
- max 0.5
- optional True
- width
Notch width in fraction of sw (notch only).
- default 0.05
- min 0.01
- max 0.09
- optional True
- factor
Decimation factor (lowpass only).
- default 4
- min 3
- max 20
- optional True
- groupFactor
Filter sharpness.
- default 8
- min 4
- max 40
- optional True
- mode
Filter type.
- default zero
- optional True
Fourier Transform.
- negateImag
Negate imaginary values before the FT
- default False
- optional True
- negatePairs
Negate alternate complex real/imaginary values before the FT
- default False
- optional True
- auto
Determine negatePairs from FID parameters
- default False
- optional True
Solvent suppression by removing signal and filling the gap with a smoothing function.
- center
Center point of the solvent peak.
- start
Beginning point of the solvent peak.
- end
End point of the solvent peak.
- autoCenter
Find largest peak in spectrum and set that as center
- default False
- optional True
Generate a simulated signal and add it to the vector.
- freq
Frequency in Hz.
- default 100.0
- min -500
- max 500.0
- optional True
- lw
Linewidth in Hz.
- default 1.0
- min 0
- max 10.0
- optional True
- amp
Amplitude of signal.
- default 50.0
- min 0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- phase
Phase of signal in degrees.
- default 0.0
- min -180
- max 180.0
- optional True
- gf
gf: Gaussian broadening
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- gfs
gfs: Gaussian center
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
- fPoint
fpoint: First point multiplier
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
- g1
g1: Exponential line narrowing
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- g2
g2: Gaussian broadening
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- g3
g3: Gaussian center
- default 0.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
- fPoint
fpoint: First point multiplier
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
Gauss Broaden Window.
- gb
Gaussian Broadening Coefficient.
- default 0.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
- lb
Line broadening.
- default 0.0
- min -20.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- fPoint
Factor multiplied with the first point.
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
Experimental GRINS.
- noise
Noise estimate
- default 5
- min 1.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- scale
Parabola to Lorentzian scale
- default 1.0
- min 0.2
- max 2.0
- optional True
- preserve
Add fitted signals to the residual signal (rather than replacing it)
- default False
- optional True
- synthetic
Replace measured values with synthetic values.
- default False
- optional True
- logToFile
Write log files containing information about progress of NESTA.
- default False
- optional True
Hilbert Transform
Inverse Fourier Transform
Set the real values equal to the imaginary values and discard the rest.
Set the signal equal to its integral. int : first First point of integration region int : last Last point of integration region
Iterative Soft Threshold.
- threshold
Values above this threshold (multiplied times largest peak) are transfered to IST add buffer.
- default 0.98
- min 0.89
- max 0.99
- optional True
- iterations
Number of iterations to perform.
- default 500
- min 1
- max 2000
- optional True
- alg
Name of algorithm to use.
- default std
- optional True
- timeDomain
Is the end result of the operation in time domain
- default True
- optional True
- ph0
Apply this zero order phase correction to data before IST.
- default None
- min -360.0
- max 360.0
- optional True
- ph1
Apply this first order phase correction to data before IST.
- default None
- min -360.0
- max 360.0
- optional True
- adjustThreshold
Adjust threshold during IST calculation
- default False
- optional True
- all
Replace all values in FID (including actually sampled)
- default False
- optional True
Iterative Soft Threshold for 2D Matrix.
- threshold
Values above this threshold (multiplied times largest peak) are transfered to IST add buffer.
- default 0.9
- min 0.1
- max 1.0
- optional True
- iterations
Number of iterations to perform.
- default 500
- min 1
- max 1000
- optional True
- alg
Name of algorithm to use.
- default std
- optional True
- phase
Array of phase values, 2 per indirect dimension.
- default None
- optional True
Kaiser Apodization
- offset
Offset of Kaiser window.
- default 0.5
- min 0.0
- max 0.5
- optional True
- beta
- default 10.0
- min 0.0
- max 20.0
- optional True
- end
End value of window
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- c
First point multiplier.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- apodSize
Size of apodization window. Default 0f 0 uses entire FID.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size
- optional True
- dim
Dataset dimension to apodize. Only applicable for matrix operations.
Extend the vector using Linear Prediction. Forward or backward linear prediction can be done. If both are specified then both are done and coefficients averaged (forward-backward LP).
- fitStart
First point used in fit. Defaults to 0 or 1 (depending on forward/backward mode) if 0;
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- fitEnd
Last point used in fit. Defaults to size-1 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- predictStart
Position of first predicted point. Defaults to size if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- predictEnd
Position of last predicted point. Defaults to 2*size-1 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size*2-1
- optional True
- npred
Number of points to predict, only used if predictEnd is 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size*2-1
- optional True
- ncoef
Number of coefficients. Defaults to size/2 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- threshold
Threshold of singular values used in keeping coefficients. Check this??
- default 5
- min 4
- max 10
- optional True
- backward
Do backwards linear prediction.
- default True
- optional True
- forward
Do forwards linear prediction.
- default True
- optional True
- mirror
Do mirror image linear prediction.
- default None
- optional True
Replace starting points of the vector using Linear Prediction. Forward or backward linear prediction can be done. If both are specified then both are done and coefficients averaged (forward-backward LP).
- fitStart
First point used in fit. Defaults to 0 if 0;
- default 0
- min 1
- max size-1
- optional True
- fitEnd
Last point used in fit. Defaults to size-1 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- predictStart
Position of first predicted point. Defaults to 0 if < 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size/4
- optional True
- predictEnd
Position of last predicted point. Defaults to 0 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size/4
- optional True
- npred
Number of points to predict, only used if predictEnd is 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size*2-1
- optional True
- ncoef
Number of coefficients. Defaults to size/2 if 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- threshold
Threshold of singular values used in keeping coefficients. Value used is 10^-threshold
- default 5
- min 3
- max 10
- optional True
- backward
Do backwards linear prediction.
- default True
- optional True
- forward
Do forwards linear prediction.
- default True
- optional True
Magnitude Calculation of a Vector. Each point is updated with its Complex magnitude.
Measures regions in spectrum.
- key
Prefix to key used to store measure values in a map (dictionary). Key will have vector row appended.
- default measures_
- optional True
- map
Map in which to store results. If not specified (or = None) the default map will be used. Get the default map with "getMeasureMap()"
- default None
- optional True
Multiply the points in a vector by a Real or Complex number.
- value
Number to multiply the points by.
- default (1+0j)
- optional True
- first
Points starting from this will be multiplied by value. Default is 0.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size - 1
- optional True
- last
Last point to multiply the data by. Default is the end of the vector.
- default -1
- min -1
- max size - 1
- optional True
Experimental implementation of NESTA algorithm for NUS processing. This version requires that the data be in-phase. Use the phase argument to provide a list of phase values.
- nOuter
Number of outer iterations (continuations) to perform.
- default 15
- min 1
- max 100
- optional True
- nInner
Number of inner iterations to perform.
- default 20
- min 1
- max 100
- optional True
- tolFinal
Final tolerance for inner iterations is 10 raised to the negative of this number. For example, 5 gives 1.0e-5.
- default 2.5
- min 0
- max 10
- optional True
- muFinal
Final mu value is 10 raised to the negative of this number. For example, 5 gives 1.0e-5.
- default 6
- min -2
- max 9
- optional True
- phase
Array of phase values, 2 per indirect dimension.
- default None
- optional True
- logToFile
Write log files containing information about progress of NESTA.
- default False
- optional True
- zeroAtStart
Set unsampled values to zero at start of operation
- default True
- optional True
- threshold
Threshold for absolute value. If less than this skip this hyperplane.
- default 0.0
- min 0
- optional True
NUS Processing with external NESTANMR program.
- iterations
Number of iterations to perform.
- default 30
- min 1
- max 2000
- optional True
- execName
Full path to NESTANMR executable.
NUS Processing with external NESTANMR program.
- iter
Number of iterations to perform.
- default 5000
- min 1
- max 6000
- optional True
- scaling
Scaling of threshold at each iteration.
- default 0.98
- min 0.94
- max 0.99
- optional True
- cutoff
Stop iterations when threshold is at this value
- default 0.1
- min 0.1
- max 0.5
- optional True
- rootdir
Root directory for NESTA working files. If empty, defaults to directory of FID.
- nestdir
Sub- directory for NESTA working files.
- default nestaL0
- optional True
- schedFile
Schedule file. If empty, it defaults to value stored in FID file object.
- phase
Array of phase values, 2 per indirect dimension.
- default None
- optional True
NUS Processing with external NESTANMR program.
- iter
Number of iterations to perform.
- default 30
- min 1
- max 200
- optional True
- rwiter
Number of re-weighted iterations to perform.
- default 1
- min 1
- max 20
- optional True
- rootdir
Root directory for NESTA working files. If empty, defaults to directory of FID.
- nestdir
Sub- directory for NESTA working files.
- default nestaL1
- optional True
- schedFile
Schedule file. If empty, it defaults to value stored in FID file object.
- phase
Array of phase values, 2 per indirect dimension.
- default None
- optional True
Set all points in a vector to 1.0
Phase shift.
- ph0
Zero order phase value
- default 0.0
- min -360.0
- max 360.0
- optional True
- ph1
First order phase value
- default 0.0
- min -360.0
- max 360.0
- optional True
- dimag
Discard imaginary values
- default False
- optional True
Power Calculation of a Vector. Each point is updated with its power value.
Print vector.
Set all points in a vector to a uniformly distributed random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
Add a Gaussian to a vector.
- mean
Mean of the Gaussian.
- default 0.0
- min 0.0
- max 100.0
- optional True
- stdev
Standard deviation of the Gaussian.
- default 1.0
- min 0.1
- max 100.0
- optional True
- seed
Seed for the RNG.
- default 0
- min 0
- optional True
Sets the values in the vector from first to last inclusive to either the specified value (which can be real or complex (written as 1.0 + 3j) or Double Min or Double Max.
- value
Vector will have this value from the 'first' to 'last' elements
- first
The first point of the vector to set.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- last
The last point of the vector to set.
- default -1
- min -1
- max size-1
- optional True
- max
Set the value to Double.MAX (instead of min or value). If True, overrides value.
- default False
- optional True
- min
Set the value to Double.MIN (instead of max or value). If True, overrides value.
- default False
- optional True
Make the vector real, discarding the imaginary part
Baseline correction using a polynomial fit.
- regions
Specify the points of the vector to perform baseline correction on.
- default None
- optional True
- type
Specify the units for the region values.
- default frac
- optional True
- signal
Specify the boundary of peaks instead of the baseline.
- default False
- optional True
Reverse points in a vector
Real fourier transform
- inverse
True if inverse RFT, False if forward RFT.
- default False
- optional True
Sine Bell Apodization
- offset
Offset of sine window.
- default 0.5
- min 0.0
- max 0.5
- optional True
- end
End value of sine window argument.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- power
Exponential power.
- default 2.0
- min 1.0
- max 2.0
- optional True
- c
First point multiplier.
- default 1.0
- min 0.5
- max 1.0
- optional True
- apodSize
Size of apodization window. Default 0f 0 uses entire FID.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size
- optional True
Sets a sample schedule for a 1D vector and zeros points not on schedule. Used for testing IST.
- fraction
The fraction of points that are collected. Ignored if fileName specified.
- default 0.05
- min 0.05
- max 1.0
- optional True
- endOnly
If true, only zero values at end of vector
- default False
- optional True
- fileName
Name of the schedule file to open if set.
Execute a Python script as an Operation. Current vector is available as object named "vec".
- script
The script that will be run on each Vec at the stage in the processing queue.
- initialScript
Any initial declarations that will be executed on initialization.
- execFileName
An initial file that will be executed on initialization.
- encapsulate
Whether the interpreter should persist between evaluations or be reinitialized for each evaluation.
- default False
- optional True
Left or right shift of the data points in the vector by the specified amount.
- shift
Amount of points to shift the vector by.
- default 0
- min -2048
- max 2048
- optional True
- adjref
If true, adjust the referencing of the vector based on shift
- default False
- optional True
Change sign of values
- mode
What elements of vector to change .
Sqrt Calculation of a Vector. Each point is updated with its square root.
combine complex inVec and outVec time domain vectors using a list of coefficients
- dim
Indirect dimension of dataset to combine vectors in. Use 2 for 2D, 2 or 3 for 3D, etc.
- coef
How to combine data rows with different phases.
- default None
- optional True
Time Domain Polynomial.
- order
Order of the polynomial.
- default 4
- min 1
- max 10
- optional True
- winSize
Size of the window
- default 32
- min 1
- max size-1
- optional True
- start
First point
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
Time domain solvent suppression.
- winSize
Window size of moving average filter (+/- this value).
- default 31
- min 1
- max 128
- optional True
- nPasses
Number of passes of filter. Three is optimal.
- default 3
- min 1
- max 3
- optional True
- shift
Position of frequency to suppress. Default is in fractional units with zero at center..
- default 0.0f
- min -0.5
- max 0.5
- optional True
Trapezoid Multiply.
- pt1
First point to multiply.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- pt2
Last point to multiply.
- default -1
- min -1
- max size-1
- optional True
Triangle Window
- pt1
Middle point of the triangle.
- default 0
- min 0
- max size-1
- optional True
- lHeight
Height of the left side.
- default 1.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
- rHeight
Height of the right side.
- default 0.0
- min 0.0
- max 1.0
- optional True
Sets size, spectrometer frequency and sweep width of vector. Used for simulated FIDs for testing and demonstration.
- size
Size of vector specified as a power of 2.
- default 8
- min 3
- max 16
- optional True
- sf
Spectrometer frequency (in MHz).
- default 500.0
- min 0.0
- max 1200.0
- optional True
- sw
Sweep width of spectrum (in Hz).
- default 5000.0
- min 0.0
- max 10000.0
- optional True
Write vector to dataset (normally done automatically). dimag : bool Discard imaginary values (make vector real).
Zeros a vector.
Zero Fill. factor is the 'factor' power of 2 that the vector size is increased to, so if the vector has 513 elements and factor = 1, it will increase to 1024, the next power of 2, but if factor = 2, it will increase to 2048, which is two powers of two greater. A size can be specified instead of a factor which will be the exact number of points the vector will have, and the increased elements will all be zero.
- factor
Number of powers of 2 to zero fill to.
- default 1
- min -1
- max 4
- optional True
- size
Size after zero filling. If -1 (default), calculate from factor value.
- default -1
- min -1
- max 65536
- optional True
- pad
Increase size by this amount. If -1 (default) use size or factor value.
- default -1
- min -1
- max 128
- optional True