Spectrum Popup Menu

Hold down MENU (the right mouse button) within a spectral display window to display this menu.


Expand the view to the region contained within the crosshairs
Change the view to show the entire spectrum
Zoom In
Zoom the view in to show a smaller region of the spectrum
Zoom Out
Zoom the view out to show a larger region of the spectrum
Pop View Out
Create a new top-level spectrum window containing this dataset and displayed with the same view region


Adjust Labels
Position peak labels (on 2D contour displays) to minimize the overlap of the labels with each other.
Tweak Selected
Move the positions of any selected peaks so they are located over a neaerby maximal intensity
Tweak All Lists
Move the positions of all peaks so they are located over a neaerby maximal intensity
Add Duplicate PeakList
Create a new peaklist that has the same peak data as another list, but is associated with the dataset in the current spectrum. This is useful if you want to start from an existing list and then shift peaks to align with the position in a new spectrum. You'll be prompted for the origin list and for a name for the new list.


Do a lineshape fit of peaks to the dataset. If any peaks are currently selected then only those peaks will be fit. Otherwise all peaks in the list currently displayed will be fit.
Fit Clustered Column
Fit peaks in a column of peaks (linked together on the dimension displayed on the first axis). All peaks in each column will have the same chemical shift and linewidth on the dimension on the x axis, but differeing shfits and widths on the y-axis dimension.
Fit Clustered Row
Same as the above, but peaks linked into rows
Fit Planes
Fits peaks in pseudo-3D spectra so each peak is fit to the data on all the planes. A unique intensity is used for each plane, but the single peak has chemical shifts and linewidths that are fit jointly to data on all planes.
Fit Planes (EXP)
Fits peaks in pseudo-3D spectra so each peak is fit to the data on all the planes. Each single peak has chemical shifts and linewidths that are fit jointly to data on all plane, but the intensity is on each plane is fit to an exponential decay. The dimension used on the planes must have a set of values associated with it that contain the relaxation delays.

Fit Planes (ZZ)

Fit Planes (ZZ Intensity)


Set Reference...
Set reference values at the current crosshair position Reference Dialog Enter a reference value for the X and Y (if 2D) positions and click Apply
Shift Reference
Position the red crosshair at the position you want to move and the black crosshair at the chemical shift positions that you want the red position to be changed to. Often you'll be positioning the red crosshairs on a peak in a spectrum you want to adjust, and the black crosshairs to overlap with the position of the corresponding peak in a spectrum that is properly referenced.
Adjust Diagonal
Position the primary (black) crosshair on a peak that should be on the diagonal and choose this menu item. The reference value of the y-axis will be changed so that the crosshair position has the same chemical shift on the two axes.
Shift Peaks
Move peaks so that the position at the secondary (red) crosshair has the chemical shift of the position of the primary (black) crosshair.
Undo the last reference change
Write Reference Parameters
Write out a parameter file for the dataset so new reference values are saved.

Peak Linking

Link Selected Column
Link a set of selected peaks using the dimension displayed on the x-axis
Link Selected Row
Link a set of selected peaks using the dimension displayed on the y-axis
Unlink Selected
Unlink all selected peaks
Unlink Selected Column
Unlink all selected peaks using the dimension on the x-axis
Unlink Selected Row
Unlink all selected peaks using the dimension on the y-axis
Link Four Peaks (ZZ)
Link four peaks together that represent a set of exchanging peaks used in zz-exchange spectroscopy

Extract Slice / Projection

Calculate 1D projections on both axes of a 2D spectrum and display in the borders
Remove Projects
Remove the projections from the borders and resize the borders back to smaller values
Extract a vector parallel to the x-axis at the position of the primary (black) crosshair and display it in a new window
Extract a vector parallel to the y-axis at the position of the primary (black) crosshair and display it in a new window
Extract a vector parallel to the z-axis at the position of the primary (black) crosshair and display it in a new window